Friday, October 28, 2016

Dear Editor - From Rep. Sue Wilkinson Austin

Dear Editor,

I’m running for Maine House District 67 to continue representing portions of Gray, Raymond, Casco and all of Frye Island because I believe in Maine! I believe in listening to you while working together to solve state issues that affect you. I believe that being positive, and thinking positive, formulates positive results. I’ve heard your call for tax reform, health care affordability and more business. 

Business will stay and invest in creating jobs with insurance if it is unshackled by over regulation and taxation. A financially healthy Maine with career path opportunities can bring our children home! 
Maine is the “greyest” state in our nation. It’s imperative our young have opportunities to return to Maine to work and weave back into our community fabric. They add strength and stability to our families and aging population. Companies of scale and diversified portfolios in tandem with anticipated need for additional tradesmen can assist homeward migration and enriched living.

I serve on the Labor Commerce Research and Economic Development Committee. I don’t just say let’s be business friendly. I mean business and prove it with my 100 percent National Federation of Independent Business grade and 90.77 percent Meri rating. Consider me on November 8th to keep MAINE in BUSINESS. I believe Maine is worth every effort I make on your behalf to sustain the best and improve the rest!

Proudly serving you,
Sue M. Wilkinson Austin

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