Friday, February 19, 2016

“Live Free or Die” – it’s for more than NHites now – it’s about all of us – Talk to us…

On Wednesday of this week, Apple CEO took an intended stand on privacy.  They built the iPhone (current versions I believe) with no back door.  Tim Cook’s product design foresight to protect privacy is going to change the way we think and how we interact with our government and how our government interacts with us – Rather than give you our opinion, what is your opinion?

Designing the iPhone with no back door prevents anyone from getting your data – Ever.  It self-erases if you guess the password too many times.

Good thing or bad thing?
Express Your Opinion on our Facebook page

On a second note - We all hear the talking going on in the Republican Party.  When I went through my media training (about 15 years ago) I was told to  “… Have a thick skin…” and “as long as they are talking about you, you are winning”.  Do you agree?  What do you think of what’s going on?  Remember, ”All Politics is Local”.  Even here in the Lakes Region of Maine.  I don’t make up these clichés.

Express Your Opinion on our Facebook page

Bob Leonard

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