Friday, September 27, 2024

Maine’s system of voting for president is fair, unique and should be a model for other states

By Barbara Bagshaw

Previously, I have expressed concern with proposals to nullify the voices of Maine citizens by making radical changes to our elections. Specifically, I wrote that the national Popular Vote Interstate Compact approved by Maine lawmakers, if allowed to stand by the courts, would give our state’s four electoral votes to the candidate who won the most popular votes nationwide. This would make the choices of Mainers irrelevant and cede power to large states with big cities like California and New York.

State Rep. Barbara Bagshaw
I like the current system which awards 1 electoral vote per Maine congressional district and 2 to the candidate that wins Maine. That system has resulted in several candidate visits to Maine even though other small states have been ignored.

That is why this week’s comments by Maine House Majority Leader Mo Terry (D-Gorham) that we may be “compelled” to consider a special session if the Nebraska legislature changes its system of awarding delegates by congressional district. Maine and Nebraska are the only states that do this.

I am a problem solver committed to good policy, not partisan theatrics. Just because another state chooses to engage in national partisan politics ahead of the November election does not mean that Maine should change their system just because of Nebraska.

I agree with House Minority Leader Billy Bob Faulkingham when he said: “Maine has the gold standard of presidential election processes in the United States. “We should be trying to convince other states to use a more representative process like ours, not change to winner-take-all like other states.”

I have enjoyed representing Windham in the legislature. Our caring community is special. The biggest issue I have with the Maine legislature is that the majority is too concerned with making Maine more like other urban places instead of focusing on everyday concerns like high prices, high energy costs, high taxes, and our housing crisis.

Maine should do what is best for Maine and always remember what makes our state special. I am not in favor of calling a special session right before the November election just because party leaders want to change the rules to favor one candidate over another. Let people make their choices in November. That is democracy!

It is an honor to represent part of Windham in the Legislature. If there is any way that I can be of assistance, please contact me at .My office phone number is 207-287-1440. You can find me on Facebook. To receive regular updates, sign up for my e-newsletter at <

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