Friday, September 6, 2024

Jane Pringle: Medicare Savings Program expansion will help lower costs for older Mainers

By State Rep. Jane Pringle

Everyone wants to be able to age with dignity. But when I speak with many older constituents in our community, I often hear from people who are struggling to make ends meet. They’re worried about affording to age in their own homes, paying for groceries and keeping up with their monthly bills. One of the biggest concerns I hear from folks is about the high prices of the medication they need.

State Rep. Jane Pringle
In the Legislature, we’ve made it a priority to do everything we can to provide relief and lower these costs. This included passing legislation to expand eligibility for the Medicare Savings Program (MSP), which helps older people with lower incomes pay for some or all of their out-of-pocket costs for Medicare premiums, deductibles and copayments. It can also pay for the Part B premium, which is usually deducted from Social Security – putting real money back into people’s pockets.

This expansion is expected to affect more than 45,000 Mainers. While the amount of the benefit varies depending on the individual, it typically averages around $7,300 – which has the potential to be a lifeline that provides substantial relief. It won’t solve all of the concerns about costs, but it can hopefully help alleviate some of the anxiety that some older people are experiencing.

Making these changes to MSP was more than just good policy – it was simply the right thing to do. To learn more, you can reach all of the local Area Agencies on Aging by calling 1-877-elders-1 or 1-877-353-3771.

State Rep. Jane Pringle is serving her second, non-consecutive term in the Maine House and is a member of the Joint Standing Committee on Health Coverage, Insurance and Financial Services. <

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