Sunday, January 5, 2014

Insight - Dreaded New Year's resolutions - By Michelle Libby

Phew! It’s over. The dreaded making of the New Year’s resolutions. Did you make any? I never sit down and write what I want to do in the new year. I don’t make a to-do list like exercise, eat better, smile more, hug my children more…I try to do this every day, thus begins the argument of to resolve or not to resolve. 
Why create demands on ourselves if in two months we aren’t going to follow through? How many people join the gym January 1 and then stop going January 10? A lot, ask any fitness center owner. 

I’m going to eat better this year, I’ve told myself, but then my birthday rolls around in February and cake is a must on that day. Then I’ve blown the whole deal and I might as well order a pizza. 

One year I made a resolution to have one family over every month for the whole year. I made dinner, usually something easy and we spent time talking, playing games and enjoying time away from the rat race. This I kept up until June, when one of my friends said “no.” I couldn’t move past that and June slipped away, then July…

Maybe we should make resolutions. Resolve to be nicer to one another. Resolve to be nicer to ourselves and make sure that we are taken care of first and foremost. 

Another reason to make resolutions is that they are sort of like goals. Any good business man or woman will tell you that goals are essential to moving forward. How can you see where you are going if you don’t know the way and don’t have a map? A goal can be as simple as kissing your husband for 10 seconds every day or as complex as filling out a food log of everything you put in your mouth. 

Okay, so New Year’s Day has come and gone, but it’s never too late to make goals or make small changes. Why not start now? 

-          Michelle Libby

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