Friday, July 5, 2024

Tim Nangle: Easing the property tax burden for Mainers

By State Sen. Tim Nangle

Ensuring Maine’s seniors can afford to stay in their homes is a priority beyond politics. Property taxes can be a significant burden, especially for older Mainers on fixed incomes. In response, we have enhanced and expanded essential programs to support seniors and working families.

State Senator Tim Nangle
One of the pivotal programs we've enhanced is the Property Tax Fairness Credit (PTFC). This credit is crucial for income-eligible Mainers, whether renting or owning their homes. Recognizing the need for more targeted relief, we have increased the maximum benefit for seniors by $500. This enhancement ensures the credit is more substantial for those over 65, providing a critical lifeline to our older residents.

Notably, the PTFC is refundable, meaning eligible individuals will receive the credit as a refund even if they owe no state income tax. This feature is particularly beneficial for older Mainers living on fixed incomes. The amount of the credit is determined based on income eligibility and age. I encourage you to visit the Maine Revenue Services website for more information on eligibility and the application process:

Another important program we've strengthened is the Property Tax Deferral Program. This program is designed to help older Mainers and individuals with disabilities remain in their homes even if they fall behind on property taxes. Through this program, the state pays the property taxes owed to the municipality, and repayment is deferred until the property is sold or the estate is settled.

During the 131st Maine Legislature, we increased eligibility of this program, broadening its reach to ensure that more older Mainers on the brink could benefit. This increase reflects our commitment to supporting the generation who has contributed so much to our community. To learn more about the Property Tax Deferral Program and see if you qualify, please visit

We also have specific programs to ease the property tax burden for our veterans. Veterans who have served during recognized war periods are 62 years or older, or are 100 percent disabled can receive a $6,000 reduction in the assessed value of their home through the Veteran Exemption. Additionally, paraplegic veterans who have received a federal grant for specially adapted housing may qualify for a $50,000 exemption. These benefits are one way of honoring the service of our veterans and ensuring they can live comfortably in their homes.

Another valuable program for property tax relief is the Homestead Exemption. This program reduces up to $25,000 in the assessed value of your primary residence for property tax purposes.

To qualify, you must be a permanent resident of Maine and have owned a home in the state for at least 12 months before applying. Once approved, the exemption remains in effect as long as your ownership and residency status do not change. This exemption is a significant benefit for all home-owning Maine residents, especially for those on fixed incomes, as it directly lowers the taxable value of your home, reducing your overall property tax bill.

Beyond these specific programs, I was proud to support budgets that ensure the state fully funds its share of K-12 public education and the revenue sharing program, which returns a portion of sales tax revenue to municipalities. These efforts are crucial because property taxpayers bear the additional burden when the state does not fulfill its financial commitments. By ensuring that the state adequately funds these areas, we aim to stabilize property taxes across the board, benefiting all Mainers.

For a comprehensive overview of all property tax relief programs available, please visit the Maine Revenue Services property tax relief page: These resources are here to help you navigate and apply for assistance.

Our efforts to provide property tax relief are about ensuring that our seniors, working class families and veterans can continue to live in the homes and communities they cherish without financial strain. I am committed to working for you and ensuring that our community remains a great place to live for everyone.

Even though we are out of session, I am a resource and advocate for you all year. Contact me directly at or call the Senate Majority Office at 207-287-1515. For the latest updates, follow me on Facebook at, and sign up for my e-newsletter at <

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