As graduation ceremonies are in full swing and the
excitement of new beginnings is in the air, I want to do my part to offer sound
and wise advice for those starting out in the world and getting ready to burst
into unfamiliar territory where adventure abounds.
It seems I may not be the only one who is eager to do so – look at the advice others have given in this
week’s “On the Spot” question (found in our hard copy edition). I thought I’d join in and give my two cents a

Although I do tend to believe in the concept of living the
vision one has for themselves, following a dream or passion is not always easy,
not always blissful. Passion isn’t permanent and dreams shift and change. As a
result, offering such hopeful (and perhaps frivolous) advice would prove to be
beneficial for no one – especially the young.
When I graduated from high school in 1984, I was determined
to follow my dreams and passions. The only problem was, I didn’t know what they
were. Although I was writing at the time and would offhandedly say I was going
to write the “great American novel”, I did not necessarily see a future in it
in terms of a career. Believing that one needed to live passionately in order
to be fulfilled and successful, my obsession in self-discovery led me on a very
bumpy and winding road. I tried many things and
experiences in hopes that it would inspire passion and a dream for me to
follow. Somehow, I did “find myself”, but in order to do so I had to let
go of expectations I had of what a dream or passion was for me.
What I finally discovered was that no matter what I chose to
do, it was those moments when I hoped I made some sort of positive impact
-either through volunteering or just being a sounding board for a friend, that
I realized where my happiness – and passion – flourished. Interestingly, once I
made that discovery – writing as career took off.
Ben Horowitz, a businessperson and a bestselling
author stated it best in his commencement address to the graduating class of
2015 at Columbia University. Instead of following your passion “…follow your
contribution. Find the thing you’re great at and put that into the world.
Contribute to others and help the world be better—that is the thing to follow.”
So, if I may, dear graduates – the one
piece of advice I would like to share with you is: What ever path you choose to
take, sprinkle in moments of giving back in the way that fits your personality.
Making an impact and contributing to something or someone bigger than yourself
is where you will find some – if not a lot – of passion and happiness. Now go
and make your dent in the world.
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