The following
article submission was originally published in The Bridgton News. It was
requested by a member of the local American Legion to reprint this article as
an informative piece regarding an often misconception faced by those who park
in handicapped spots. Author, Kelly Ela has also given us permission to
The Boots
By Kelly Ela
Last week while I exited my car at our local grocery
store, I was confronted by a gentleman who gruffly asked if that was my car.
With a puzzled look I answered yes. The man continued on to say, “well I saw
the disabled veteran plate and wondered what’s wrong with you. You seem to look
just fine to me. I don’t understand why young people like you (get to be)
considered disabled.”

I ignored the man and dragged my tall, proud, grotesquely
scarred, PTSD engulfed, medication filled, bullet hole healed, blood clot
ridden, body with barely functioning kidneys and lungs that happens to be short
of a few organs, into the store, so that I could feed my family with three
small children waiting at home. That, my friends, is why I have a
disabled Veteran plate.
This is what inspired me to write, “The boots”.
ATTENN HUTTTT!!!! You step off that bus to the screams
and spit blaring from the mouth of the drill instructors and it is at that
point, life as you know it just changed. As the days in hell progress,
you are all issued a pair of tall black boots.
These boots will quickly become your lifeline and you
will never leave without them. You will lace them, shine them, learn how to
march diligently and precisely in them. When they get dirty you will clean them
and proudly shine them again. You will stand for hours and hours in them. You
will do pushups until you puke in them. You will eat in them, you will sleep in
them, you will sweat and bleed on them, you will make friends for life in them.
They will get wet and give you blisters that make you cringe, but you will keep
on marching proudly in them. You will train hard and learn to defend yourself
and America in them.
They will protect your feet as you carry your weapons,
bags and fatigued bodies across the mountains, deserts, oceans and more. These
are the same boots peeking out from under the white cotton cloth of a soldier
just killed in the battlefield. The same boots standing atop a makeshift
memorial holding the rifle and dog tags of our sister who just paid the ultimate
sacrifice. These are the boots of a United States Veteran.
All of us wore these boots and stood proudly taking the
same oath to defend the Constitution of the United States of America under the
Red White and Blue of Old Glory. There is no person more proud than a Veteran
wearing those tall black boots.
As each of us moved through our military careers, we
traveled the world. We saw the beauty world had to offer. We saw the terror and
awful sights the world also offered. Those boots stood witness with us. As we
fell, they fell, as we advanced, they advanced.
When we deployed, those boots deployed with us; we never
left without our boots. We left our husbands and wives, our children, and
friends. Over and over we left to stand the endless watch of freedom wearing
those tall black boots.
As time progressed, each of us were ordered down a
different path. Some of us injured on the outside and lost or maimed our limbs.
Some of us injured our backs and necks. Some of us burned unrecognizable, while
some of us received mental injuries. All while wearing the same boots as our
brothers and sisters.
Some of us were unknowingly exposed to agents and poisons
resulting in cancer, and diseases with no cure, all while wearing those boots.
Some of us received injuries so great, that those boots
had to be put on a shelf below a flag, never to be worn again.
The one thing that stands true is those black boots were
worn by every United States Veteran, fighting to defend our country. It doesn’t
matter what branch of service. It doesn’t matter if they were on the feet of a
man or a woman, young or old. At one point they were laced up and cared for
with pride like no other.
Our disabilities may all be different and not always seen
on the outside. They were all acquired performing the same mission, while
wearing those same tall black boots.
So next time you go to judge that disabled veteran that
looks “fine” on the outside, take a moment to look at his or her feet and
remember. At one time, he or she strapped up those boots for your freedom and
is now paying the price with no regret. God Bless America.
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