We’ve had this trip planned for months now. We didn’t realize how perfect it would be to get out of town and see some of the eastern seaboard.

We did really well on time, only got
lost once and I was asleep at the time, so I never knew. It was a family
bonding experience.
Now that we are here with nine people,
we are rolling with the punches. Personalities, rain, long lines, handicaps. I
guess I’ve done an okay job with my teens because they understand that we’re
going to have to wait in lines. Some people are bound to be jerks. (My daughter
saw a fight in the bag check area yesterday.) And, if you wait around long
enough good things will happen. We were on two rides that broke down while we
were on them, (I’m not saying we’re the cause of the malfunction). They gave us
express passes and we got to ride a better ride twice with no line, no waiting,
and we finished one of the rides that broke without redeeming our tickets.

It’s a different experience to have a
car on vacation. We control where we want to go and when. Want to run to the
drugstore or Walmart? Grab a GPS and go. The traffic is different here…like
Windham in the summer on a Friday afternoon…all the time.
With patience and a positive attitude,
we’re having a blast. Oh and that positive attitude? I said something while we
were in one of the cues and the employee said, “I like that positive attitude”
and it made me think of our paper and our goals. Not sure what a positive paper
looks like…then you haven’t been paying attention.