Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Faith Unfolding by J. Grant Swank, Jr., Pastor, New Hope Church, Windham

There are those times. What does the Christian then do?

First, the believer checks in with the moment. Is this moment given over to God? If not, make it so. If so, then thank God that you are still alive and sane in this moment.

Second, realize that the God who brought you to this Red Sea coastline is the same God who will part the waters in His time and His way.

Third, put on faith blinders. Do not try to figure out what is going on around you. Do not try to press human logic against circumstances. Do not attempt to move into the future for you simply cannot get there now.

Fourth, what enemies are there standing in your way? Do they come into your head in the middle of the night? Know that when they stand there in your mind, your actual enemies are at their homes not knowing that you are being bothered by them. Therefore, you are distressed in the moment, but they are not.

Therefore, surrender your enemies to God. When they come back into your head, surrender them again, pray for them again.

Fifth, refuse to listen to grousers. Do not give them any power over your head or heart. Instead, as soon as they start to gossip about somebody else, or complain or pout or deride, just say kindly: "I want to keep my faith line open to God; therefore, I don't want to think nor talk like that. Let's give praise to God that our lives are kept in His love."

Sixth, spread cheer. Love people, especially strangers at the store, bank, post office and service station. Smile at those you meet. Get out of your rut by getting with some children; romp with them, laugh with them.

Seventh, remind yourself to "forget those things that are past," as Paul wrote. That is, discount debris that is long gone. You cannot rearrange those past moments except to put them all under divine mercy.

Do that; then move on.

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