Monday, October 26, 2015

Insight - Taking opportunities - By Michelle Libby

We are all given opportunities. We may not like our choices, but they are there. Some of us are given the chance to travel, or the opportunity to take more leadership at the office. Are we providing opportunities for our children and are they the right opportunities?

Recently I’ve heard a lot of talk about doing too much for our children. I agree that we can do too much for them and they will have a harder time growing up, however, I also believe that we need to put opportunities in front of them to make them more well-rounded citizens. 

At school last week, I set up an appointment with my son’s teachers and guidance counselor to give him the opportunity to check in with the teachers, turn in any missing work or ask any questions he might have had. That’s not spoiling him or giving him anything. I also provide opportunities for volunteering, and exploring other locations and even countries. 

We don’t do our children any favors if we keep them at home playing on their Xbox and watching TV. Those aren’t the types of opportunities that help our children. 

Opportunities to play a sport, to try a musical instrument, or listen to an interesting speaker, provide connections and brain development that can’t be found anywhere else. I don’t regret taking my children to meet authors speaking in the area. I don’t regret having them involved in Scouts. 

By providing transportation, support and encouragement, our children can take the opportunities given and transform their lives. I know of two girls in the class of 2014 from Windham High School who are in Spain studying. Other students are working as part of AmeriCorps out west.  Trips like these happen with parent support and involvement and my guess is that these families taught their children about seizing opportunities whenever they present themselves. 

I’m hoping to provide more opportunities for my children in the next few years and from those experiences I hope they will realize that the sky is the limit. 

What will your children do?

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